RM10 increase of Membership Fees

At the last Assunta Alumni Annual General Meeting held on 23 March 2024, a vote was taken by members attending and motion was passed to increase alumni membership fees from RM 10 per year to RM 20 per year. The proposal was submitted to Registrar of Societies Malaysia and have just been approved. Hence, the new subscription will take effect from 1 August 2024.

Ad Veritatem Per Caritatem,
Tjeannee Yeoh
President, Assunta Alumni

100 memorable Malaysian Women – Part 4

The Star, March 8, 2011


AGE: 83

The founder of Assunta Primary School and Assunta Secondary School in Petaling Jaya and chairperson of the SM Assunta Board of Governors arrived in Malaya in 1954 to set up schools for girls. She immediately set up Assunta Primary School, followed by Assunta Secondary School the following year. She became the first headmistress of the schools.

Through her tireless work, the schools flourished, complete with the Leo Club, Interact Club, Assunta Military Band, Girl Guides and the Assunta Welfare Organisation. In 1966, she became a Malaysian citizen. She retired in 1989.

In her 31 years of service, Sister Enda received the Excellent Service Award from the Ministry of Education (1985), the Pingat Jasa Cemerlang (1986), the Pingat Jasa Kebaktian (PJK.) from the Sultan of Selangor (1987) and the Anugerah Tokoh Guru Selangor (1990). In December 2007, she was conferred the Darjah Kebesaran Dato’ Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah (DSIS) which carries the title “Datin Paduka”. She now resides in the Assunta Convent in PJ Old Town.

Read the original article here.

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